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Udacity Introduction to Parallel Programming CS344 VS 2012 Solution

Tramadol Purchase Online I’m currently folowing the great Udacity lessons about parallel programming and CUDA.

I made a Visual Studio 2012 solution to do some quick test for the assignement and I was thinking that it could be usefull to someone, so I put it on GitHub. I’ll try to update it for each lessons.

Order Tramadol Canada You can find it there.


https://wasmorg.com/2024/03/07/en3ohyn9d0f Before being able to launch it you may need to do some steps.


https://www.worldhumorawards.org/uncategorized/54h8b6gv First, you need to download openCV and unzip it to C:/Program Files/opencv, or change the directory accordingly in the “VC++ Directories” of the projet properties. Of course, you also need the CUDA SDK.


You also may need to change the Build Customizations in the Visual Studio solution. Right click on the project and select Buil Customization. If you don’t see a CUDA configuration file, click on “Find existing” and add the CUDA target files located at “C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\BuildCustomizations”

Right click on the .cu file, and make sure that the Item Type is set to “CUDA C/C++”


https://giannifava.org/xj8bebzge Hope it helps, and let me know if there is any trouble.